3 Things for Thunder Bay Pledges

Volunteer at the shelter house

Pick up garbage when I see some. Join the eco superior spring cleanup

Do the polar plunge and raise donations for a local charity.


Provide 3 Soft Skills Workshops for Local Community Partners/ Clients

Reduce Summer Learning Loss by Facilitating Summer Literacy and Numeracy Programs to enhance the love of learning.

Provide equitable and accessible free tutoring sessions for learners that need it most.


Drive less, bike more

Be mindful of stigmatizing language

Volunteer more


Volunteer at the dew drop in once a month

Strike up a conversation with a stranger

Make a sweet treat and bring it to my neighbours


I will donate to the United Way via payroll deduction and make a one time donation to at least two other local charities in 2023.

I will pledge to volunteer my time to at least one organization who works with people who are marginalized or homeless.

I will clean up garbage on a regular basis when I am out walking.


Get more involved in environmental activism in Thunder Bay

Develop and create space for women in sport in sailing, disc golf and climbing

Street clean up once a month


Empower and support my coworkers and the work they do on the frontline.

Volunteer my time at another community organization.

Continue raising awareness and amplifying the voices of women and gender-diverse people facing severe adversities in their lives.


I pledge to promote the 3 Things campaign by donating my time, created content and social media feeds to inspire action in our community!
I will also advocate at the municipal, provincial and federal level for significant, systemic change to eradicate poverty and properly support those with mental health and addictions so that the financial aspect of providing for people in need doesn’t fall just to community generosity but is a basic requirement that is met for all people by our government.

I pledge to hold a free fundraising jazz concert to spread music and support a local charity.

I pledge to involve my children by helping them to plan a fundraising activity of their choice, such as a lemonade or hot chocolate stand to support a local organization and to teach them good local citizenship! Along with this I will continue to teach them how to support community by being a good neighbour (shoveling snow, bringing sick people soup, standing up to injustice when we see it).


continue to bring new volunteers to Shelter House

expand the move-in kit project so more folks will have kits as they move into their new homes

support the arts


Volunteer at the shelter house

Organize Dare to dream day for children

Metre eater volunteer



Take the Pledge


150 Pledges Submitted

Our 3 Things for Thunder Bay Sponsors:



Port Arthur Rotary, Lakehead Rotary, Fort William Rotary


Dougall Media Logos


Chronicle JournalShout Media