Brewing Conversations: Breaking Period Stigmas and Promoting Menstrual Equity

Brewing Conversations: Breaking Period Stigmas and Promoting Menstrual Equity

Periods are natural and essential, so why is there so much stigma around these conversations? Period blood is the only blood that exists without violence, yet it is the blood that disgusts people the most. Come and tune into our panel discussion for honest and empowering conversations about periods.

We aim to foster understanding, support, and awareness. Let’s create a safe space for questions, shared experiences, and knowledge. Open discussions break barriers, challenge stereotypes, and promote a more informed and inclusive world. Embrace the beauty of our bodies and celebrate the power of conversation! Tickets available at

On my website, you can find a thorough educational resource covering topics such as periods, period poverty, and the menstrual cycle. This week, we are excited to delve into and enhance the content by exploring the evolution of period products. Cant make the event but still want to support? Visit the website and make a donation – I am so thankful to be partnered with two amazing small businesses that provide an eco-friendly solution to period care, giving people products that are both good for them and the earth!

Through this partnership, every $5 will purchase enough products for someone’s monthly cycle! As a result of my campaigns over the last two years, 23,000 products, 100 pairs of underwear, and 24,000 packages of wipes have been donated to shelters across the city making barrier-free access to menstrual care a reality for thousands of people. This year, donations will be made to Evergreen A United Neighbourhood, Dennis Franklin Highschool, and other food banks and community spaces across the city.

Thank you for your support!

Camapaign can be found on Instagram @flowingforchange or on

Brewing Conversations: Breaking Period Stigmas and Promoting Menstrual Equity

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