A Story from NorthWind Family Ministries
Northwind Family Ministries’ Next Steps program helps connect vulnerable individuals to essential community programming and resources. One participant was living on the street and was drinking heavily. He was getting beaten up regularly and was struggling with feelings of hopelessness and anger. Over time, the Next Steps program assisted this individual with accessing the Homes for Good program, applying for and attending treatment, receiving drop-in counseling, referral to a clothing assistance program, communicating with legal services, and connecting him with a family program run at NorthWind. He would come hang out and enjoy the positive community here quite often. One of the things he mentioned consistently as a goal of his was to reconnect with a young child of his who was in care. We were able to help set up and host multiple visits in the NorthWind building over the summer and fall. At this time, he has completed treatment and is in a good temporary living situation while looking for something more permanent.