Extras for Seniors
Every Monday, since November of 2022, the Dew Drop Inn has teamed up with various community partners to hand out 72 supplement bags to those who visit us over the age of–or close to the age of 60. Our senior citizens are falling through the cracks and are being hit the hardest living on a fixed income.
Every week, they are given 1 litre of milk, a roll of toilet paper and some fruit. Every 2nd week, we add eggs, and the first Monday of the month, we add a fresh loaf of Bennett’s Bakery bread and a tub of margarine. In addition to these items, we add a rotating variety of items weekly that they have communicated would be helpful. The value of these bags range weekly from $15 to $20 each week.
Our seniors are incredibly appreciative, and the Dew is grateful to the United Way of Thunder Bay, Northern Credit Union and the Thunder Bay Community Foundation for their wonderful support so far.
For more info about the Dew Drop Inn, please visit: https://dewdropinnthunderbay.ca/