Novemburger 2022 Has Officially Kicked Off
Let the Burger Battles Begin!
$2 from every burger will be donated to the United Way of Thunder Bay.
Welcome to the tastiest time of the year; it’s Novemburger!
All month long, you can try unique burger creations from eateries across Thunder Bay. Who has the best Novemburger? That’s for you to decide!
Once you’ve tried your fair share of burgers, come back here and vote for your favourite! Whichever restaurant has the most votes at the end of the month will be crowned Top Novemburger of the Year!
And don’t forget your Passport! Grab a Novemburger Passport at your first location to keep track of how many burgers you try out. If you get at least 5 stamps, you’re eligible to become a Novemburger Ambassador next year! That means free burgers and bragging rights!
The best part is that every time you purchase a Novemburger, $2 is donated back to the United Way to support local programming. Check out our regional investments to see some of the programs we help to fund.
[Albert Brulé and Jodie Wilson, of United Way of Thunder Bay, promoting Novemburger 2022]
It’s a pretty savoury way to give back, don’t you think?
Vote for your favourite Novemburger and download and print a Novemburger Passport to keep track of how many burgers you try out here:
Check back at the end of November to see who will be crowned Top Novemburger of 2022!