Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC)
The Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centre (SA/DVTC) is an individualized service available to victims and survivors of sexual assault and/or domestic violence. The program provides emergency medical and psycho-social treatment as well as follow-up care, by specially-trained nurses.
Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Treatment Centre (
Domestic Violence: e-Learning Module for the Public
TBRHSC is pleased to share this very important training with members of the public and with other places of employment. This module is offered to hospital staff on an annual basis and while we believe the content is important for our staff in the workplace we also understand that it has value for us as individuals and as members of our community. We hope that you will take a few minutes to review it and also to encourage others to do the same. We all have a role to play in reducing violence and improving the health of our community.
Click here to begin the Domestic Violence e-Learning Module for the Public