Waasigan Transmission Line, Hydro One Networks Inc.
Hydro One’s leading Equity Partnership Model with First Nations on the Waasigan Transmission Line Project was guided by First Nations in Northwestern Ontario who were willing to collaborate to advance reconciliation and expedite Ontario’s low-carbon future. Waasigan is setting an example and challenging Hydro One to change the way they do business, build major projects, engage employees with each other and local communities, and ensure they develop projects that reflect First Nation values, inputs, and priorities.
The new partnership offers First Nations a 50 percent equity investment in all new, large-scale capital transmission line projects. Waasigan, which is being developed and constructed together with nine First Nation partners in Robinson-Superior 1850 and Treaty #3, is the first.
They are strong advocates for economic development, reconciliation, and promoting northern prosperity through partnerships. This is evidenced by numerous collaborative tables where Hydro One is sharing models and learnings on Waasigan with governments, industry, and Indigenous communities across Canada. This model includes collaboration on project development and decision-making, the inclusion of First Nation representatives into Waasigan’s project management team, and local commitments around training and procurement.
Waasigan exemplifies how impactful it is when we share knowledge, collaborate, and listen to one another, look from other perspectives, and share mutual respect with our partners. Their goal is to showcase the power of working together to find solutions that empower people, protect environments, and bolster economic value.
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